By Francisco Rubiales Moreno
If a country like the United States, considered worldwide as a champion and bulwark of democracy, it is possible and legal to spy massively citizens without any judicial control, then it is that democracy is dead in our world or is in its last throes of life.
The excuse put forward by Obama of "national security" is not valid. That excuse is the same as those expressed all states criminals in the world to justify their abuses and murders, from communism in the Cold War to the theoretical Western democracies to liquidate the opposition, accusing her of being fifth column of the enemy. It was also the favorite excuse and rogue dictators like Pinochet, Videla, the brothers Castro, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Mao, Pol Pot and other specimens of the worst terrible human fauna.
If democracy disappears, as seems evident from the behavior of most world leaders, Humanity, beset by serious problems such as overpopulation and the economic crisis, penetrate fully into the Reign of Terror, where citizens will not be worth anything and be at the mercy of multinational polities armored and ready to defend tooth and nail against the citizens, who now openly regarded as the real enemy. Free thought, decency, freedom, justice, critique, truth and other great principles and values that were traveling sustenance of democracy and civilized societies will be forgotten and thrown away by an undesirable and nauseous breed tyrants and blunts and sticks his dirty mustache on the horizon of history.
Early signs and havoc of those newly minted tyrants, liars, defaulting on their promises, wasteful, unethical and able to crush his people with taxes and laws that benefit them and not the common good are already visible in the world, with examples as strong as the crushing of resistance in Turkey, which Erdogan's government called "looters" massive theft of the savings of millions of Spanish with preference shares and legally sanctioned by the government of Rajoy and the spying of people around the world, without a warrant, in the United States who chairs Obama, a guy who looked decent.
Democracy is a system of liberal inspiration from the principle that the State is a monster that tends to accumulate power and oppress the citizens, so it is necessary to tie it and control it. Democracy is a set of principles and rules intended to bind the power to not chaos, starting with the rule of law must be equal for all and unforgiving. But most governments have violated those rules and eliminated the checks and balances that limit the exercise of power, to the point that in countries like Spain are virtually unpunished politicians and parties control the judges appointing Justice, a whole shamelessness and an abuse of power incompatible with real democracy.
Constitutions are already empty documents are not met, the governments do not respect the rules of democracy and politicians have forgotten the common good service, consistently putting their interests and the interests of their parties citizen. If scarce conscious and ethical citizens who remain live allow further progress rogue soon humanity will have lost the battle of civilization and the West will cease to be a land of welcome and freedom to become a huge concentration camp.
A young engineer, CIA, reveals that we spied at all levels without judicial guarantees. He is a hero of democracy and values, but the U.S. government pursues him around the world to punish him. Is the arrival of tyranny to power.
When fundamental rights are trampled by power, is that now is the kingdom of totalitarianism in its worst guise, that of democracy.
(Publicado en WORLD REVOLUTION y otros medios británicos)
If a country like the United States, considered worldwide as a champion and bulwark of democracy, it is possible and legal to spy massively citizens without any judicial control, then it is that democracy is dead in our world or is in its last throes of life.
The excuse put forward by Obama of "national security" is not valid. That excuse is the same as those expressed all states criminals in the world to justify their abuses and murders, from communism in the Cold War to the theoretical Western democracies to liquidate the opposition, accusing her of being fifth column of the enemy. It was also the favorite excuse and rogue dictators like Pinochet, Videla, the brothers Castro, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Mao, Pol Pot and other specimens of the worst terrible human fauna.
If democracy disappears, as seems evident from the behavior of most world leaders, Humanity, beset by serious problems such as overpopulation and the economic crisis, penetrate fully into the Reign of Terror, where citizens will not be worth anything and be at the mercy of multinational polities armored and ready to defend tooth and nail against the citizens, who now openly regarded as the real enemy. Free thought, decency, freedom, justice, critique, truth and other great principles and values that were traveling sustenance of democracy and civilized societies will be forgotten and thrown away by an undesirable and nauseous breed tyrants and blunts and sticks his dirty mustache on the horizon of history.
Early signs and havoc of those newly minted tyrants, liars, defaulting on their promises, wasteful, unethical and able to crush his people with taxes and laws that benefit them and not the common good are already visible in the world, with examples as strong as the crushing of resistance in Turkey, which Erdogan's government called "looters" massive theft of the savings of millions of Spanish with preference shares and legally sanctioned by the government of Rajoy and the spying of people around the world, without a warrant, in the United States who chairs Obama, a guy who looked decent.
Democracy is a system of liberal inspiration from the principle that the State is a monster that tends to accumulate power and oppress the citizens, so it is necessary to tie it and control it. Democracy is a set of principles and rules intended to bind the power to not chaos, starting with the rule of law must be equal for all and unforgiving. But most governments have violated those rules and eliminated the checks and balances that limit the exercise of power, to the point that in countries like Spain are virtually unpunished politicians and parties control the judges appointing Justice, a whole shamelessness and an abuse of power incompatible with real democracy.
Constitutions are already empty documents are not met, the governments do not respect the rules of democracy and politicians have forgotten the common good service, consistently putting their interests and the interests of their parties citizen. If scarce conscious and ethical citizens who remain live allow further progress rogue soon humanity will have lost the battle of civilization and the West will cease to be a land of welcome and freedom to become a huge concentration camp.
A young engineer, CIA, reveals that we spied at all levels without judicial guarantees. He is a hero of democracy and values, but the U.S. government pursues him around the world to punish him. Is the arrival of tyranny to power.
When fundamental rights are trampled by power, is that now is the kingdom of totalitarianism in its worst guise, that of democracy.
(Publicado en WORLD REVOLUTION y otros medios británicos)