Información y Opinión

The speech that Zapatero will never make

“Today I want to address the whole of Spanish society and especially the immigrants who are joining it, to indicate the conditions and attitudes that are indispensible so that our coexistence works and it is on a solid basis.

All the immigrants who reach Spain, and especially those who come from cultures very distinct from our own, must know that Spain is an old country that has been forged thanks to the collective efforts of the Spaniards, a costly effort and sometimes bloody, the result of which has given us a prosperous nation with the desire to continue progressing in freedom, peace and harmony.

In consequence, we are not going to allow amongst us those who arrive with the intention of putting this coexistence in danger.

I want this warning to be especially clear to those Moslems who are amongst us loaded with violence and rancour. I know they are few, but I know as well that they exist and they are pledged to live under the most radical mandates of Islamic Sharia. If they do not change their attitude, they must leave because we are not going to put up with terrorist attacks launched from within our own society and assaults on our peaceful and welcoming Spanish people..

I have ordered the Spanish security forces and our intelligence services to intensify their vigilance of people with aggressive attitudes and those who arrive with destructive intentions. We are part of Europe and the whole of Europe has decided to defend its culture against those who want to destroy it.

We are fed-up that the Spanish people make every kind of effort to help the immigrants feel at home and that some of them respond to this welcoming attitude with delinquency, violence and aggression.

The majority of us are Christians, but we are not going to insist that you become Christians. In the matter of religion, we only want everyone to practice their own in peace and respect, but without a grain of violence or intolerance.

Our language is not Arabian, nor French, nor English, nor Chinese, but Spanish, for this we ask those who wish to live amongst us to learn our language..

As well we ask for respect for our culture and customs, in the same way we will respect yours, as long as they do not collide with and damage this coexistence.

Those that have to adapt when they come to Spain are the visitors not those of us who have been here for centuries..

We want to construct a future together and we recognise the value of the contribution made by the immigrants. We are disposed to share our rights, our prosperity and our achievements with you, but we are not going to put up with aggressions against our way of life and our security.

The summary of this message is simple: we will tolerate your customs and beliefs, but you must tolerate ours and adapt to our laws, our democratic institutions and the customs that facilitate our coexistence.
Whoever is not prepared to do this, must leave and must do so before they are obliged to do so by force.
It is time that you accept the country that has already accepted you.”

(El texto en inglés es de Ligur)

Lunes, 28 de Abril 2008
Artículo leído 1993 veces

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